Brian Kolstad FDL City Council Candidate

Once a finalist for an appointment to the Fond du Lac City Council, Brian Kolstad is now running for a seat on the Council. Kolstad was one of those who applied for an opening when Rob Vande Zande resigned from the Council. He’s served in other ways on the board for the Gottfried Prairie and Arboretum and the Library Creative Space Advisory Board. He also served on the Lakeside Park Exploratory Committee until he resigned so there would be no conflict with running for City Council. He says it was a good idea to form a committee to discuss the future of the park. He says the purchase of the building next to the Library for expansion purposes including the creation of the Idea Studio is a good progressive move. His regular job is with an Internet services company. He says City Council members and the City should be proactive on social networking sites making sure the right facts are getting out.