Day 5 Produces 38 Sturgeon

Day 5 of the 2020 sturgeon spearing season on the Winnebago System is now complete. Harvest on Lake Winnebago picked up Wednesday with 24 fish registered. Jim and Linda’s registration station continues to lead the way in registration numbers as more than half of the fish speared on the big lake were registered at that location. 

Waverly Beach was the 2nd busiest registration station today with 7 fish brought in. There were 14 fish harvested from the Upriver Lakes today, 12 of which came in to Critter’s station and 2 at Indian Point. A breakdown of this season’s registration numbers by station can be viewed through the following link:

Day 5 Harvest Report.pdf

Two fish registered Wednesday tipped the scales at over 100 pounds.  Diana Sanders had the biggest fish of the day, taken from the upriver lakes, when she registered her 111.5 pound, 72.8 inch lake sturgeon at Critter’s. Scott Schafer’s 102.5 pound, 72.8″ sturgeon was second largest today and came out of Lake Winnebago.