FDL County At Different Stages For Future Capital Projects

Fond du Lac County Executive Al Buechel says two of the County’s most expensive capital projects over the next few years are at different stages. He says originally he was considering beginning the planning process for a jail expansion next year. But he says over the last year or so their jail population has fallen off. He says in fact they have brought in about 20 or 25 inmates from the state. He says every year that the jail population stays down is another year they don’t have to begin the planning process. Buechel says in 2018 they will begin budgeting for a new highway garage that will be built off Hickory Street in Fond du Lac south of Highway 151. He says this year they will be working out some minor environmental issues for the project. He says they have to annex the property into the City and construction will start in 2019. He says the new facility will open in 2020. Buechel says the current highway garage in Fond du Lac has storm damage to it. He says they didn’t want to spend money fixing it when they are so close to getting a new facility.