FDL County Jail Will House Additional State Inmates

To increase revenue in the Fond du Lac County Jail the Sheriff’s Office will begin accepting state inmates. Jail Administrator Kevin Galske says for a few years the state wasn’t housing inmates at county jails to relieve prison overcrowding. The Sheriff’s Captain says the state hasn’t housed inmates in county jails for about 4 or 5 years. Meanwhile the County saw the jail revenue decline over the past year and to increase it will be accepting the inmates from the state. He says they will initially take 25 state inmates to raise revenue for the County. The County will receive $51.46 a day for each of the state’s inmates. Galske says the County already houses about 16 to 20 state inmates a day that are on extended supervision so that will put the state inmate count in the jail at about 40 inmates a day.