FDL Fire Lieutenant Gets Send Off From Fellow Firefighters

Fond du Lac firefighters gave a fellow firefighter a proper send-off Tuesday as he prepares to be deployed for the third time in the past 12 years. Lieutenant Shawn Kneeland is also a master sergeant in the Wisconsin Air National Guard. Fire Chief Peter O’Leary got a little choked up when he talked about the sacrifice Kneeland was making for his country. He says he couldn’t fathom making a sacrifice for his child and doing it over again and again. Family will take care of Kneeland’s five-year-old daughter while he is deployed to an undisclosed location. He says breaking the new to his young daughter was hard. He was previously deployed in 2004 and 2010 to air bases in Iraq, although this time the area of deployment was not disclosed. He served in the fire service during those deployments and will this time too as an assistant chief. 

City Manager Joe Moore speaks at Tuesday’s send-off. 

Fire Chief Peter O’Leary presents Lt. Shaw Kneeland with a department flag to take with him.