FDL School District to Continue Meal Distribution During Summer School

The Fond du Lac School District will continue offering free
meals to students this summer.

The district announced Monday they will continue handing
out brown bag lunches and a shelf-stable breakfast to students between June 15th
and July 16th. The meals will be handed out Monday through Thursday
from 11 am until 1 pm, at a number of locations in the city. Those locations

–Sabish Middle School – Doors 2 & 3 (South Side Doors)

–Riverside Elementary School – Gym Lobby

–Boys & Girls Club – Front Entrance

–Fond du Lac County Fairgrounds – at the Aramark Vehicle

–The Arc of Fond du Lac – Front entrance

On Thursdays, students will receive two lunches and two
breakfasts for Friday and Monday morning.

The meals are free to any child in the district 18 years
old or younger, including siblings that are not of school age. Registration is
not required, and students do not need to be enrolled in Summer School to get a