% Of Positive COVID-19 Cases Continues Downward Trend

The first Saturday of the
month shows Fond du Lac
now with 230
confirmed cases of coronavirus. That’s up 5 from Thursday. The county is also
home to 85 active, 140 recovered, and just shy of 6,000 negative tests. 6
people remain hospitalized due to COVID-19. Statewide, the confirmed cases of
the coronavirus in Wisconsin
surpassed 20,000 on Friday. Confirmed cases of the coronavirus in Wisconsin surpassed
20,000 on Friday. 

But numbers from the Department of Health Services show the
percentage of positive test results continuing a downward trend. Two-point-nine
percent of the 12,322 new tests reported on Friday were positive. That’s 357
new confirmed cases, and the lowest rate since Sunday. And despite much more
widespread testing, the amount of time it takes to double confirmed positive
cases is extending. It took 18 days to go from 5,000 positives to 10,000, but
27 days to reach the 20,249 reported on Friday.