Roggensack Runs For Another Term On State Supreme Court

State Supreme Court Justice Pat Roggensack says her experience as both a justice and with the State Appeals Court makes her a better choice for voters on April 2nd. Roggensack has been on the Supreme Court the past 10 years and served on the State Appeals Court for 7 years. She also was a lawyer for 16 years before that. She says her opponent Marquette Law School Professor Ed Fallone has said if he’s elected he will create a voice for working class families before the Court. She says a justice is supposed to apply the rule of law fairly for everyone who comes before the Court. You can learn more about Roggensack at her website or on her Facebook page. 


State Supreme Court Justice Pat Roggensack says the Court is getting along and conducting their business more efficiently. She says they will need to do some repair work for the choking incident involving Justices Prosser and Bradley, but that happened in June of 2011 and the justices on the Court have gotten along well since then. She says they’ve also worked the last few years to make sure they are rendering more case decisions and have been able to accomplish that. She says they’ve gone from rendering opinions for 13 or 14 cases a couple of years ago to 35 or 36 last year.  Roggensack faces Marquette Law School Professor Ed Fallone in the April 1st election.