FDL School Board Approves 13 Resignations, 18 New Hires

A total of 13 resignations and 18 new hires were approved by the Fond du Lac School Board at their meeting Monday (6/27/2022).

According to School District Superintendent, Dr. Jeffrey Fleig, the numbers are similar to what the district has seen the past few years. Fleig told KFIZ News that some of the new hires were a result of the resignations the board approved back in May.

Dr. Fleig said, “The number of resignations does not relate to the number of new hires as our hiring process is very fluid. Some of the new hires could be from resignations that the Board approved back in May.”

He also said that, while they are seeing more teacher resignations this year compared to last year, they are also seeing fewer teacher retirements.

In the 2020/2021 school year, the board approved 38 teacher resignations and 30 teacher retirements. That compares to 46 teacher resignations but only 16 teacher retirements this year.