FDL School District Facilities Plan

The Fond du Lac School Board will get a closer look at a facilities study when they meet next Monday. Representatives of Bray Associates Architects and C.D. Smith Construction will be there to review the study. District Superintendent Jim Sebert says it is a pretty detailed study. He says, “It’s a very in-depth detailed process. Over 600 pages of documents, and maps, and recommendations, and ideas on a number of topics. Topics that include safety and security of buildings, as one.” Sebert says this week they will meet with teachers to get some input from them on school facilities. He says, “How do the facilities that we have inhibit what you would like to do instructionally or inhibit what you can do with kids or for kids? And then also as a flip to that what are some things right now that really enhance what you are able to do, and trying to piece those ideas together too. So there are kind of a couple of different tracks that this study will take on.” Sebert says the board will be able to see an example of a school that has been done during the overview.