Focus On Energy Celebrates 20 Years

Wisconsin’s Focus on Energy program is celebrating its 20th anniversary. The program has been around since 2001, and has been working to deliver energy efficiency and renewable energy programs to residents and businesses in the state.

Erinn Monroe-Nye is the Program Director for Focus on Energy, she tells KFIZ News that their work over the past decade has led to a good deal of benefits for the state.

“Since 2016, we’ve paid about two hundred fifty million in incentives to customers to help them afford more energy-efficient technology. They’ve actually studied the program and have determined that for every dollar that you invest in the Focus on Energy program, it returns about $4.80 in benefits. And those benefits include energy savings on your bills.”

Monroe-Nye says other benefits include a reduction in emissions and even economic development opportunities for workers who install and upgrade energy systems and equipment. Find out more at