Friends Of Lakeside Park File Lawsuit

In their quest to halt the development at Lakeside Park, specifically the lighthouse peninsula, the citizens group, Friends of Lakeside Park, has filed a lawsuit locally. The injunction is asking that the issue of development in Lakeside Park be put to referendum in the Spring of 2021 through direct legislation. The group has widespread local support and was able to gather over 6,000 signatures on two separate direct legislation petitions in a matter of only a few weeks.

At issue is an “Alternate Master Plan” proposed by a group of business leaders, who
plan to form an LLC and to build and operate a restaurant next to the lighthouse in the city
owned park. City attorney Deb Hoffman recommended the petitions be denied and the city council followed suit leaving the citizens group no choice but to file legal action against the city. The citizens want a say in what happens in the park and how their tax money is
going to be spent. According to a press release issued by the group, “This area of Lakeside Park is much used and much-beloved by generations of city residents, and by the thousands, they have rallied for the past four months to modify the plan and let the people decide on the future of Lakeside Park.”

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