Justice Ann Walsh Bradley Seeks Another Term On The State Supreme Court

State Supreme Court Justice Ann Walsh Bradley is seeking a third term on the high court. Justice Bradley talked about her campaign during a recent stop at the KFIZ studios. She says it’s too early yet to know if there might be a challenge to Right to Work legislation that might go before the court, but remembers the court making decisions on two cases involving ACT 10. She co-wrote the dissenting opinion on one of them which had to do with the right of association which she says people have the right to. Bradley does not like the idea of using a statewide referendum to change the state constitution over the way the Chief Justice of the State Supreme Court is selected just because someone had a political ax to grind. Bradley says she has more bipartisan support and experience than her opponent Rock County Judge James Daley. She also says according to his latest campaign statement to the Government Accountability Board a political party is paying for his campaign staff and consulting fees. She says a political perk comes with an agenda.