Koehler Runs For 20th State Senate Seat

Tiffany Koehler says she doesn’t have the political experience or financial where-with-all that the two other candidates in the 20th State Senate Special election have. In fact she grew up in the foster care system and spent 14 years in the Army Reserve and National Guard. She also has 20 years of experience in non-profit work. She says she does listen to what people have to say. She doesn’t think taxpayers should have to help the Milwaukee Bucks fund construction of a new arena. She also supports expansion of the school voucher program and right to work legislation. She says we do have a problem with heroin in the state and thinks there should be stronger penalties for those who sell it. Koehler faces Ozaukee County Board Chairman Lee Schlenvogt and former State Representative Duey Stroebel in tomorrow’s primary election. The winner has no opposition in April.