Ripon Historic District Created

Ripon’s Common Council recently designated the Watson Street Commercial Historic District as a local historic district. The district includes properties on Watson, Jackson and Blackburn Streets. On March 21st the Historic Preservation Commission in Ripon held a public hearing. “The Historic Preservation Commission held a public hearing a few weeks ago and there were a few members from the public present and no one spoke in opposition to it and so now they brought it to the Council.” City Administrator Lori Rich says the Council’s approval means property owners in the district would have to have their building permits for changes to a building approved by the Historic Preservation Commission first. She says, “So they would look at the exterior any type of changes that the property owner would want to make would need to go to the Historic Preservation Commission for approval to maintain the integrity of the historic look of the buildings.” Property owners will receive a notice that the City is moving forward with the creation of the district.