Ryan Stumps for Walker, Vukmir in FDL Stop

The Republican Party has been pulling out some big guns –
including President Trump – ahead of the midterm election on Tuesday. During a
stop in Fond du Lac
on Thursday morning, Governor Scott Walker and Senate candidate Leah Vukmir
appeared with House Speaker Paul Ryan. 

Speaker Ryan took to the stage at Combination Door Company to stump for the governor’s re-election campaign, along with Leah
Vukmir’s bid to replace current Senator Tammy Baldwin. Ryan touted the economy
in the state, as we have seen eight straight months of record-low unemployment

He argues that “this doesn’t
happen by accident, this happens because of the right policies. And we have a
choice to make in this election – do we want to continue these good policies
that have produced this good of an economy, that have given us a 49-year
jobless rate in America, that have given us the largest middle-class wage
increases we have seen in over a decade, or not? Those are the kinds of
policies that are on the ballot this coming Tuesday.”

Walker also touched on the economy, saying “if you go to our state website right now today, you’ll find that every day there’s about 100,000 job opportunities in the state. Which literally means there are more opportunities for careers in the state of Wisconsin than there are unemployed people to fill them.”

The governor also spoke on the differences between himself
and Democrat Tony Evers – and also threw his support behind Vukmir. When we asked him how things are shaping up with just a few days left, Walker told us he was confident. 

He says “it feels
positive, even though in the Marquette polls it shows us tied – by significant
margins, people also said they felt the state was headed in the right
direction. Part of my goal over the next few days is to say that didn’t happen
by accident. It was a mess eight years ago, we turned things around, we don’t
want to go backwards, we can’t undo that – why would we risk undoing all of the
good things we’ve done and building off of that?”

Walker also maintained his support to
cover people with pre-existing conditions, claiming that “the facts are clear – in Wisconsin right now, if you have a pre-existing condition, you are covered under healthcare. And as long as I’m your governor, you will always be covered in the state of Wisconsin.”

He says the pre-existing conditions will be covered under a new healthcare plan on the state level, which was passed with bipartisan support. 

Walker explains that “we actually got Democrats and Republicans to come together on healthcare, we passed our Healthcare Stability Plan – about a week ago we got notice that premiums under our plan will go down more than four-percent from where they’re at starting in January. They’ll go down by ten-percent from where they were headed – that’s almost a savings of one-thousand dollars in premiums.”

Lieutenant Governor Rebecca Kleefisch also expressed her support of both candidates, addressing how Walker has always had her back – and says he does the same for the people of Wisconsin. 

Fond du Lac was one of several stops on the governor’s final statewide bus tour before Tuesday’s midterm election