Thiesfeldt Makes Official Open Records Request Over School Choice Ad

State Representative Jeremy Thiesfeldt made it official yesterday filing an open records request with the Fond du Lac School Board and School District Superintendent. He had threatened to do so at the school board’s meeting Monday night after seeing an ad in the Action Advertiser Sunday about the District’s opposition to the expansion of school choice. Thiesfeldt told KFIZ News after the board’s meeting that he couldn’t see how the district could spend taxpayer money for ad when the board hasn’t voted yet on a resolution opposing school choice. Thiesfeldt has asked the school district for all communications regarding advertising in local media on school choice. School Board President Elizabeth Hayes said during Monday’s meeting that the board had talked about a resolution opposing school choice during an April 22nd workshop. She also said that Board Member Kathleen Nagle had asked during that workshop to place an ad with the wording of the resolution.